I met the client casually while selling an item posted on Craigslist. While chatting, I learned they were planning a kitchen remodel. Enough said!
Keeping in hot pursuit of their plans and status of the project they were planning: cabinets for a historic house, the original Broadmoor Polo Club's Clubhouse. This included the master bath, dressing room, and kitchen. Only after exhausting all other cabinet shops locally, did they choose me, as I was able to perform the project as they pleased, not putting any limits on anything! For example, all cabinets were hand painted on site! Custom made is custom made. They even chose to use their architect from Brooklyn, NY, as they couldn't find a local designer they liked. The project was challenging in many ways, but working with the client was fun and the contractor, Bob McGrath Construction, performed everything perfectly and efficiently. The photos don't even begin to reveal what you''d see in person. In order, see the 8ft tall and 7 ft wide hutch, the master bath vanity, two views of the dressing room, and the walnut kitchen island.
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Worked briefly for Bob McGrath Construction. Best contractor for sure, and I was able to create the following Birch Room Divider Screens. Made some doors last year! Southwestern for Henrietta using Mahogany, and modern doors for us (the front door and a trolley for the bath) using Mahogany and etched glass. Incredible clients, Tony and Juliet, have kept me engaged in their remodel since first finishing up their glamorous kitchen. Mountain project includes live edge countertop. Kitchen restoration using original cabinets, repaired and re-imagined! Cabinets were a little rough to start with.
AuthorSix years ago this blog began when I began building a detached garage with a rooftop deck connected to our house deck. I did everything then, but now the blog will show some recent projects. Archives
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